This morning I found a bird by our house. I stopped and Tikaro said, "what is it?" I told her that it was a bird. Then I tried to grab it, but it ran instead of flying. That's when I thought its wing was broken. I picked it up and gave it to my sister to hold. Then Tikaro gave it to Tupuārangi. Then we put the bird in my hat. It jumped out of the hat and ran away. It almost fell into the creek. I picked it up and carried it to school. When we got to school we put it in the garden out by the office. Then I showed Miss Gentil that I caught a bird. She put it inside a box and gave it to Mrs Farmer. Mrs Farmer is going to take it to the Bird Recovery Centre so they fix his wing. The funniest bit was when he tried to jump out of my hand and I caught him by his legs, to try to stop him from falling into the creek. I named him Pinchy because he kept biting us on our fingers. We hope Pinchy gets better soon.
By Tūmai and Tupuārangi