My Pirate Tale

Once upon a time on a tropical island there was a pirate. He was a very poor pirate. He didn't have a golden telescope, he had a paper towel roll instead. One day the pirate was out on his raft when he saw a big wave coming. After the wave stopped heaps of sharks came out. The pirate yelled "help, help! It's a shark attack!" He made it back to the island safely. When he was walking along the island he saw a flash of gold go by. It was his parrot. The parrot had an eye patch. The pirate told the parrot of how he used to have a golden telescope and lots of treasure.

One day the pirate and parrot were walking along the island. They found a x and a spade. The pirate picked up the spade up and started digging. The spade hit something hard. The pirate put the spade down and pulled out a big treasure chest. He opened it and to his surprise in it was his golden telescope and all his treasure. The pirate and parrot started to sing "hip, hip, hooray! We found the captin's treasure." They all lived happliy ever after.

By Stella


Unknown said...

Wow awesome story Stella.
Hanna's mum

Anonymous said...

Cool Story Stella! I'm Sadie.
Thompson, Manitoba, Canada

Anonymous said...

I loved reading your story Stella. You have done an excellent job of writing a creative story about pirates. My favourite part was that the pirate only had a telescope made out of a paper roll, instead of a golden telescope. What a great idea. I also really liked how you included some speech in your story. Keep up the awesome work.

From Miss Gentil

Anonymous said...

Wow Stella, we just read your story and it is fantastic, we love reading your stories that you write. my favourite bit in this story is the eye patch wearing parrot Xx well done Stellywag! keep up the great work we are very proud of you.
love from Mum and Clint Xxx

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